Spain and its definition of PEP

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Spain and its definition of PEP. Foto por Mark Harlynking.

Politically exposed persons are individuals who hold or have held significant public offices. Due to their positions of power, anti-money laundering legislation assigns them specific regulations, which result in a special duty of action for obliged entities.

Who are politically exposed persons? General aspects.

Spanish anti-money laundering regulations govern the status of politically exposed persons in Article 14 of Law 10/2010. This article establishes the obligation to apply enhanced due diligence measures for politically exposed persons, provides a definition of this type of client, and outlines the need to establish procedures to determine if a client qualifies as a politically exposed person, among other measures.

Definition under the Law

Spanish regulations, in the second section of Article 14, define politically exposed persons as “those who hold or have held prominent public functions.” The article goes on to list certain positions that qualify, such as heads of state, ministers, or secretaries of state, among others.

It further adds that the following individuals will also be considered politically exposed persons:

  • those considered senior officials according to the Law governing the exercise of high-ranking officials;
  • regional officials who have held prominent public functions at the regional level;
  • mayors and councilors of municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants;
  • senior executives in political parties with national, regional, or local representation;
  • senior executives in Spanish trade unions or business organizations.

Additionally, Spanish legislation mandates the application of enhanced due diligence measures for the family members and close associates of politically exposed persons. Family members include the spouse, parents, children, and the spouses of the children of politically exposed persons; close associates refer to any person maintaining a close business relationship with the politically exposed person.

Given the wide range of positions and functions, the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offenses published a list of positions last July that determine who qualifies as a politically exposed person.

This list complies with the requirements of the Fifth Directive on anti-money laundering, which urges EU member states to draft an updated list of positions considered “prominent public functions.” Additionally, Article 14 gives a legislative mandate to the Commission to draw up a list of positions and functions that will determine politically exposed person status.

Commission’s List

The Commission divides the list into four groups: (1) Political parties and affiliates, (2) State, (3) Autonomous Communities, and (4) Local Entities.

Political Parties and Affiliates

This category includes individuals holding senior positions in political parties with national or regional parliamentary representation. The Commission then lists several positions considered as senior political leadership, such as the Presidency, Executive Committee, or Treasury. It is important to note that only those in senior leadership positions within represented institutions are considered politically exposed persons, excluding non-represented parties from this category.

The Commission also includes Spanish trade unions and business organizations in this group, listing senior management positions in the document.


Under the “State” group, the Commission considers numerous positions within the General State Administration. These include the Presidency of the Government, Vice Presidencies, Ministries, and the General Technical Secretariats, as well as positions within the Peripheral State Administration, such as the Government Delegations in Autonomous Communities.

It also acknowledges positions from other structures outside the General State Administration, such as senators and congressmen, senior prosecutors, and the Presidencies, Vice Presidencies, and Justices of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts, among others.

Autonomous Community

This category includes executive positions within regional governments, such as the Presidents and Vice Presidents of Autonomous Communities, and positions within regional legislatures, such as regional deputies. Public company executives within regional government-controlled enterprises are particularly noted in this section.

Local Entities

For municipalities, mayors and councilors of municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, as well as those from provincial and Autonomous Community capitals, are considered politically exposed persons.


The publication of this list by the Commission has facilitated the work of obliged entities by clearly outlining which positions are considered politically exposed persons. However, the number of positions listed is vast. Therefore, it is essential to have digital tools to assist in identifying clients to determine if they qualify as politically exposed persons.

Below, we detail the main sources Pibisi uses to extract PEPs from Spain:

  • Official website of the Correos Group
  • Official website of the Navantia Group
  • Official website of the Tragsa Group
  • Official website of the Mercasa Group
  • Official website of the Hunosa Group
  • Official website of the Enusa Group
  • Official website of ENSA
  • Official website of Agencia EFE
  • Official website of the Sepides Group
  • Official website of Mayasa
  • Official website of SEPI
  • Official website of the Hipódromo de la Zarzuela
  • Official website of Saeca
  • Official website of Cofivacasa
  • Official website of SEPI
  • Official website of the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB)
  • General access point to the Government of Spain
  • Official search engine of the Spanish Ministry of Justice
  • Official website of Bankia
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE)
  • Website of the People’s Party (PP)
  • Website of the VOX Party
  • Website of the Podemos Party
  • Website of the Republican Left of Catalonia (Esquerra Republicana)
  • Website of the Citizens Party (Ciudadanos)
  • Website of the Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV)
  • Website of the EH Bildu Party
  • Website of the Compromís Party
  • Website of the Cantabrian Regionalist Party (PRC)
  • Website of the Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG)
  • Website of the Canary Coalition Party
  • Website of the Junts Party
  • Website of the PDeCAT Party
  • Website of the Union of the Navarrese People (UPN)
  • Website of the Foro Asturias Party
  • Website of the Més per Mallorca Party
  • Website of the Aragonese Party
  • Website of the Andalusian People’s Party
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Aragón
  • Website of the Chunta Aragonesista Party
  • Website of the Andalusian Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE)
  • Website of the Podemos Party in Aragón
  • Website of the United Left Party in Aragón
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Asturias
  • Website of the People’s Party of Asturias
  • Website of the Podemos Party in Asturias
  • Website of the People’s Party in Aragón
  • Website of the United Left Party in Asturias
  • Website of the Unidas Podemos Party in the Balearic Islands
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Party of the Canary Islands
  • Website of the Gent X Formentera Party
  • Website of the Podemos Party in the Canary Islands
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of the Balearic Islands (PSIB-PSOE)
  • Website of the People’s Party in the Balearic Islands
  • Website of the People’s Party of Castilla y León
  • Website of the Cantabrian Socialist Party (PSC-PSOE)
  • Website of the Leonese People’s Union (UPL)
  • Website of the People’s Party of Cantabria
  • Website of the Podemos Party in Castilla y León
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Castilla y León
  • Website of the People’s Party in Catalonia
  • Website of the Por Ávila Party (XAV)
  • Website of the Socialist Party of Catalonia
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of the Valencian Community (PSPV-PSOE)
  • Website of the People’s Party of the Valencian Community
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Extremadura
  • Website of the Unidas Podemos Party in the Valencian Community
  • Website of the Unidas Podemos Party in Extremadura
  • Website of the Unidas Podemos Party in Madrid
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Murcia
  • Website of the People’s Party of Extremadura
  • Website of the Galician Socialist Workers’ Party (PSDEG-PSOE)
  • Website of the People’s Party of Murcia
  • Website of the Podemos Party of Murcia
  • Website of the Podemos Party of Navarra
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of La Rioja
  • Website of the People’s Party of La Rioja
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Navarra (PSN-PSOE)
  • Website of the Socialist Party of the Basque Country (PSE-EE)
  • Website of the Podemos Party of La Rioja
  • Website of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party of Ceuta
  • Website of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Spain
  • Website of the Federation of Guilds and Associations of Valencian Commerce
  • Website of the Basque Business Confederation
  • Website of the Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Catalonia
  • Website of the Spanish Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Entities
  • Website of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Euskadi
  • Website of the Spanish Confederation of Commerce
  • Website of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Albacete
  • Website of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Website of the Valencian Business Federation
  • Website of the Regional Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Castilla-La Mancha
  • Website of the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs
  • Website of the Business Confederation of Madrid-CEOE
  • Website of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Cantabria
  • Website of the Business Confederation of Ourense
  • Website of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands
  • Website of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations
  • Website of the Business Confederation of the Province of Almería
  • Website of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Andalusia
  • Website of the Group of the Administration of Penitentiary Institutions
  • Website of the Reformist Police Association
  • Website of the National Association of Education Professionals
  • Website of the Confederation of Managers and Professionals
  • Website of the Workers’ Commissions Union
  • Website of the Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Ranchers
  • Website of the Railway Workers Union (SCF)
  • Website of the Nursing Union (SATSE)
  • Website of the Independent Trade Union Confederation Fetico
  • Website of the General Confederation of Labor
  • Website of the CaixaBank Employees Union (SECB)
  • Website of the Public Assistance Doctors Union (SIMAP)
  • Website of the State Audiovisual and Cinematographic Technicians Union (TACEE)
  • Website of the Independent Energy Union (SIE)
  • Website of the State Confederation of Medical Unions
  • Website of the Independent Union of the Valencian Community (S.I.C.V.)
  • Website of the General Union of Workers
  • Website of the Spanish Airline Pilots Union (SEPLA)
  • Website of the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA)
  • Website of the Association of Electric Energy Companies
  • Website of the National Union of Workers (UNT)
  • Website of the Spanish Association of Consulting Companies
  • Website of the Workers’ Trade Union Union (USO)
  • Website of the Socialist Party of Zaragoza
  • Website of the Socialist Party of Teruel
  • Website of the Socialist Party of Huesca
  • Website of the Spanish Airline Pilots Union (SEPLA)
  • Website of the Junta of Andalusia
  • Website of Open Data of the Government of Spain
  • Website of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha
  • Website of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha
  • Website of the Government of the Principality of Asturias
  • Website of the Government of the Canary Islands
  • Website of the Government of Cantabria
  • Website of Open Data of the Government of Spain
  • Website of the Government of the Valencian Community
  • Website of the Xunta of Galicia
  • Website of the Government of La Rioja
  • Transparency Portal of the Region of Murcia
  • Website of Open Data of the Government of Navarra
  • Website of the Government of the Basque Country
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Almería
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Las Palmas
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Madrid
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Almería
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Córdoba
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Seville
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Cádiz
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Toledo
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Granada
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Málaga
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Álava
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia
  • Website of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa

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    Photo by Álvaro Serrano

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