Fecha de última actualización: 23/10/2024

As other European countries like Spain, France has its own definition of politically exposed persons — PEPs. This definition derives from the transposition of European directives regarding the prevention of money laundering, as well as the impetus from the FATF on this matter.
Regarding public officials, French regulations include this definition in the Monetary and Financial Code. This “Monetary and Financial Code” compiles all regulations, both legislative and regulatory, related to the management of the financial system. The regulation indicates in its Article L561-10 that obligated entities must apply additional due diligence measures for “individuals exposed to particular risks due to their political functions.” This same article states that the categories of individuals who will be considered politically exposed persons will be specified by decree.
This is further developed in Article R561-18, included in the regulatory section of the Monetary and Financial Code. As other countries do, such as the Netherlands, politically exposed persons are divided into three categories:
- By virtue of the functions they perform or have performed,
- Family members,
- Individuals closely associated.
The first is the classic way to define PEPs, referring to those individuals who have held the positions listed in the article, which we will detail further on. Direct family members are those individuals who are intimately connected to individuals holding important functions; the regulation states that they will be:
- The spouse or partner;
- The partner bound by a civil solidarity pact or by a partnership contract registered under foreign laws;
- The children, as well as their spouses, partners bound by a civil solidarity pact or by a registered partnership contract abroad;
- First-degree relatives in the ascending line.
The last group consists of individuals closely associated with persons holding public functions, specifically:
- Individuals who, along with persons holding prominent public functions, are the beneficial owners of a legal entity, a collective investment, a trust, or a comparable legal instrument under foreign law;
- Individuals who are the sole beneficial owners of a legal entity, a collective investment, a trust, or a comparable legal instrument under foreign law known to have been established for the benefit of politically exposed persons;
- Any individual known to have close business ties with individuals holding relevant public positions.
Finally, it is noteworthy that the French regulation indicates that the PEP status will be maintained for one year after the individual has ceased to hold the position.
List of PEPs in France
The political positions that will qualify as PEPs are:
1° Head of State, head of government, member of a national government or the European Commission;
2° Member of a national parliamentary assembly or the European Parliament, member of the governing body of a party or political grouping subject to the provisions of Law No. 88-227 of March 11, 1988, or of a foreign political party or grouping;
3° Member of a supreme court, a constitutional court, or another high court whose decisions cannot, except in exceptional circumstances, be appealed;
4° Member of a court of auditors;
5° Director or member of the governing body of a central bank;
6° Ambassador or chargé d’affaires;
7° General officer or senior officer in command of an army;
8° Member of an administrative, management, or supervisory body of a public company;
9° Director, deputy director, or member of the board of an international organization created by a treaty, or a person holding an equivalent position in such an organization.
Below we outline the main sources we use at Pibisi to extract information about PEPs in France:
- Website of the Government of France
- Website of the Élysée Palace – Presidency of France
- Website of the National Assembly of France
- Website of the Senate of France
- Website of the Economic and Social Council of France
- Website of the Court of Cassation of France
- Website of the Constitutional Court of France
- Website of the Council of State of France
- Website of the Central Bank of France
- Website of the Court of Auditors of France
- Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France
- Website of the Ministry of Defense of France
- Website of the Political Party La République En Marche
- Website of the Political Party La République En Marche
- Website of the Political Party Les Républicains
- Website of the Political Party Mouvement Démocrate
- Website of the Political Party Alliance Centriste
- Website of the Political Party Territoires de Progrès
- Website of the Political Party Les Nouveaux Démocrates
- Website of the Political Party Parti Socialiste
- Website of the Political Party Mouvement des Citoyens
- Website of the Political Party Generation-S
- Website of the Political Party Progressiste Martiniquais
- Website of the Political Party Agir
- Website of the Political Party Mouvement Radical
- Website of the Political Party Tapaura Huiraatira
- Website of the Political Party Mouvement des Progressistes
- Website of the Political Party Femu a Corsica
- Website of the Political Party Parti Radical de Gauche
- Website of the Political Party Corsica Libera
- Website of the Political Party L’Union des Démocrates et Indépendants
- Website of the Political Party Calédonie Ensemble
- Website of the Political Party La France Insoumise
- Website of the Political Party Parti de Gauche
- Website of the Political Party Gauche Républicaine et Socialiste
- Website of the Political Party Parti Communiste Français
- Website of the Political Party Rassemblement National
- Website of the Political Party Debout La France
- Website of the Political Party Ligue du Sud
- Website of the Political Party Génération Écologie
- Website of the Political Party Soyons Libres
- Website of the Political Party La France Audacieuse
- Website of the Political Party Mouvement Populaire Franciscain
- Website of the Political Party Alliance Solidaire des Français de l’Étranger
- Website of the Political Party Mouvement Républicain et Citoyen
- Website of the Political Party Europe Écologie Les Verts
- Website of the Political Party Guadeloupe Unie, Solidaire et Responsable