FATF Recommendation 9

FATF Recommendation 9. Photo by Kankan

The Financial Action Task Force — FATF — is the global reference supervisor in the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. One of FATF’s primary tasks is to establish common reference standards and guidelines for the prevention of money laundering. To achieve this goal effectively, FATF issues its standards under the name of Recommendations, having established a total of 40 Recommendations.

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GAFILAT and money laundering prevention

GAFILAT and money laundering prevention. Isabela Kronemberger.

Currently, a variety of entities and organizations are engaged in different ways in preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism. One notable category among these entities is the FATF-style regional bodies — FSRBs. Currently, there are nine FSRBs globally, such as MONEYVAL, all of which are part of the global network of supervisors under the FATF. One such FSRB, responsible for part of the Americas, is the Financial Action Task Force of Latin America.

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FATF Recommendation 8th

FATF Recommendation 8th. Photo by Judy Beth Morris.

Among the objectives of the Financial Action Task Force — FATF — is the establishment of common standards and benchmarks for the correct implementation of legal and operational measures aimed at preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism. To achieve this goal, FATF issued its 40 Recommendations, and in this article, we will address the eighth recommendation of FATF.

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